Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Solstice, HIPpies!

This evening we had a gathering of the HIPpies (plus one or two ring-ins from North of the Valley) to celebrate Winter Solstice.

We feasted on potluck dinner, mulled wine and spiced fruit juice, did a cheap and simple craft activity and a mini lantern parade, and had a good old sit-and-chat with friends. It was a relaxing time - well, as relaxing as you can get with nine healthy children and babies in the room. The children played together and separately; some times they were helpful and considerate towards one another, a few times the inevitable disagreements cropped up.

So how was this different to any other get together of a few families? Well, for one thing, I didn't have to stress about what each of my children was doing, because I knew that all the adults were looking out for all the children. I could be confident that the other parents would not restrict my children's play unnecessarily; but that if any intervention was needed, it would be done in a caring and respectful way. If you have ever been somewhere where other adults either ignore a child who needs help / guidance or alternatively jump in and 'discipline' your child by shaming or punitive measures, you will know how nice it is to socialise with like minded parents.

The other big difference was the palpable atmosphere of real, genuine support. Sometimes I do feel this when I am out and about with my children. But sadly, it is more common for the dominant paradigm to be one of comparisons and judgment. I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked questions like "Is she a good baby?", "Is she sleeping through yet?", and with my eldest just turned six, we are now getting to experience the onslaught of questions and comments around whether he measures up academically, not to mention how will he learn to socialise without going to school. So I am incredibly grateful to know the kind of people who would only ever ask how I'm coping so that they can offer moral support, child-minding or home cooked meals if I'm having a difficult time!

Having that sort of friends is a joy in good times and a lifeline in tough times.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Links now up

Hoorah!!! Finally working out this blog business :D

OK - some great links have now been posted in the box on the right. Please take the time to check them out if you want to learn more about this style of parenting, or if you already have an interest in one or more of these areas & want to further your knowledge/contacts.

Cheery-bye for now :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to our little blog!

Well, all you HIPsters & little HIPpos....what has been buzzing around the heads of two HIPpy friends born on the same day, brought together by fate, is finally coming to fruition! The Huon Intuitive Parents (HIP) Network!

It can be pretty tough sailing the seas of parenting. You trust your natural instincts & navigate as best you can, but there are plenty of mainstream waves out there trying to knock you off course.

Attachment Parenting is often seen to be a fringe parenting style - reserved for feral hippies & those who's own emotional "ishews" won't allow them to let go of their children. Those who follow their innate knowledge, only to be told it's "wrong", are often left feeling alone & isolated, most often by other parents.

This is where we come in. We've both had grand plans for AP-type support groups for some time and have recently decided it's time to create a support network in the Huon region for other families who may have been ostracised from other parenting groups or don't socialise much for fear of judgement.

So if you live in Tasmania's Huon Valley & practise any/all of the following, or are supportive of parents who do, we'd love to hear from you!

· Cloth Nappies &/or Elimination Communication

· Baby-lead weaning & full-term breastfeeding

· Baby wearing

· Co-sleeping

· Vaccination choice

· Homebirth choice

· Gentle discipline

· Home education or alternative schooling

· Sustainable lifestyles

It's still early days (hours even), so we're still finding our way with this. Please be kind! (LOL)

The grand plan at this stage is to have regular (maybe monthly) meets as a group, but also to have a database (on - member access only) so that members can share contact details & interests with a vision of developing social contacts & friendships through individual meets. You'll be able to find us on Facebook shortly, as well.

This blog is just another way of sharing news, photos & announcements with the group :)

Stay tuned for a list of our favourite sites & forums related to this style of parenting!

Cheers from HIPpy Central!