Saturday, March 27, 2010

Discount subscription to Reading Eggs for home educators

I got this email earlier & thought I'd share it :)

Hi HEN members and friends,


HEN member, Karen Wade, has negotiated a great discount for home educators on the popular Reading Eggs ( programme. The price is significantly cheaper than what they are charging if you bought directly from them.

The price will be between $12-17 per student, depending on how many students we have (the more students we have, the cheaper it is!). If you are interested, please let Karen know, so she can get the cheapest available price! Please feel free to forward this to another homeschooler who is not on the list! Contact Karen at

Kind regards
Susan Wight
Home Education Network

Monday, March 15, 2010

Midwifery legislation scheduled in the Senate this week...

For any of you following the proposed legislative changes affecting midwives and those women they serve, you might like to keep an eye on the Senate this week.  There are live webcasts daily & the Dynamic Red will inform you what's been discussed at that time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We're finally HIP and happenin'

It's now, erm, some months since Ny and I enthusiastically jumped into this idea of starting an AP support group down here in the Huon. Ny being the 'puter whizz that she is, it wasn't long before we had the blog up and running (oh and the Facebook group, and the Yahoo group), but then life somehow got in the way and we didn't quite get around to organising anything else. Then it was the end of year busy-ness, then it took a couple of months to settle into a rhythm for this year, and suddenly it's Autumn again. So, time to get our backsides into gear!

We are starting a weekly opportunity to get together for a chat and play. This will be Monday mornings from 10am-1pm, at my house in Huonville (please email me if you need the address). The first one will be Monday 12 April, and I would love to see you then.

We have also made up a pretty little brochure and a poster to let people out there know what we're about, so if anybody would like to have this to show to others, just let me know and I can send them to you.